1. 点击桌面的左下端“开始菜单”符号,然后在右上角,找到“Groove音乐”,点击打开
2. 打开后,我们在里面看不到任何歌曲,即使你电脑里面确实存放了不少歌曲。这里也看不到。
3. 点击“选择查找音乐的位置”,弹出窗口,在窗口中,我们看到默认音乐查找位置为音乐文档的位置。如果里面有歌曲,我们点击完成,即可自动添加歌曲到播放器。
4. 如果歌曲不在默认位置怎么办,点击“+”号,弹出选择文件夹的窗口,我们找到我们存放音乐的文件夹,然后点击“将此文件夹添加至音乐”。
5. 点击新建播放列表,弹出命名窗口,我们根据自己的需要对他命名,可以用家庭成员的名字命名,也可以根据曲风命名等等,这里我就简单的进行命名。
6. 【添加歌曲到新建的播放列表的方法】:
1. 首先按之前的步骤添加歌曲进播放器,然后我们我们点击左侧”歌曲“栏,然后右上点击”选择“按钮。
2. 点击选择后,歌曲前面出现小方框,我们勾选小方框后,在最下面点击”添加到“某一个播放列表,这里我添加到播放列表1中。
3. 【注意事项】:请勿在歌曲栏下删除歌曲,会使源文件被删除,只能在播放列表中移除歌曲。
不过这个问题的反映有很多,也许过不了多久就有补丁出来了。 那你试试在可以正常运行游戏的电脑上,先将启动配置文件备份一个,在启动游戏界面中左下角设置中把游戏设置成窗口化,再把窗口化后的启动配置文件复制到黑屏的那台电脑的游戏文件夹中覆盖掉原来的配置文件,再启动游戏看看行不。
插件MP3 Addin.msi
自己把这个插件下载了,直接安装就可以,之后会在PPT标题栏中显示MP3 Addin ,点开之后,会有两个选项,选第一个MP3 from file 选择你要的背景音乐,选择完成后会在PPT页面出现一个喇叭图标,单击进入播放菜单,开始设置为跨幻灯片播放,因为要设置全篇的音乐播放的,所以可在选择玄幻播放,同时在切换处选择设置自动换片时间,默认为0,如果有声音可继续添加,如果没有需自己大概估摸时间。至此完成正片的音乐背景播放。不需要外带音乐,音乐已经和PPT成为一个整体,如果每页都有,PPT大小会有几十兆,不需要额外携带音频。忘记说了,只支持07版本的,不支持13版本。即只支持ppt.不支持pptx类型的文档。
red hot chili peppers can t stop /m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=red%20hot%20chili%20peppers%20can%20t%20stop&t=2Can't stop addicted to the shin dig Cop top he says I'm gonna win big Choose not a life of imitation Distant cousin to the reservation Defunkt the pistol that you pay for This punk the feeling that you stay for In time I want to be your best friend Eastside love is living on the westend Knock out but boy you better come to Don't die you know the truth is some do Go write your message on the pavement Burnin' so bright I wonder what the wave meant White heat is screaming in the jungle Complete the motion if you stumble Go ask the dust for any answers Come back strong with 50 belly dancers [Chorus:] The world I love The tears I drop To be part of The wave can't stop Ever wonder if it's all for you The world I love The trains I hop To be part of The wave can't stop Come and tell me when it's time to Sweetheart is bleeding in the snowcone So smart she's leading me to ozone Music the great communicator Use two sticks to make it in the nature I'll get you into penetration The gender of a generation The birth of every other nation Worth your weight the gold of meditation This chapter's going to be a close one Smoke rings I know your going to blow one All on a spaceship persevering Use my hands for everything but steering Can't stop the spirits when they need you Mop tops are happy when they feed you J. Butterfly is in the treetop Birds that blow the meaning into bebop [Repeat Chorus] Wait a minute I'm passing out Win or lose just like you Far more shocking Than anything i ever knew How about you 10 more reasons Why i need somebody new just like you Far more shocking than anything I ever knew Right on cue Can't stop addicted to the shin dig Cop top he says I'm gonna win big Choose not a life of imitation Distant cousin to the reservation Defunkt the pistol that you pay for This punk the feeling that you stay for In time I want to be your best friend Eastside love is living on the westend Knock out but boy you better come to Don't die you know the truth is some do Go write your message on the pavement Burnin' so bright I wonder what the wave meant Kick start the golden generator Sweet talk but don't intimidate her Can't stop the gods from engineering Feel no need for any interfering Your image in the dictionary This life is more than ordinary Can I get 2 maybe even 3 of these Come from space To teach you of the pliedes Can't stop the spirits when they need you This life is more than just a read thru。
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