win10卸载软件步骤如下: 方法一: 1、直接按下键盘的快捷键WINDOWS键+PauseBreak键。
打开系统属性。 2、在打开的系统属性的窗口,点击左上角的“控制面板”窗口 3、在打开的控制面板窗口,点击左下角的”程序 “下面的”卸载程序“ 4、在卸载程序窗口,找到你需要卸载的程序软件,在上面右击--卸载,单击卸载即可 方法二: 1、在win10系统桌面上,找到这台计算机图标,右击,单击“属性“单击左下角的“Windows更新” 2、在出现的Windows更新窗口,点击左下角的“安装更新” 3、然后就会打开安装更新的窗口,但是我们不是来安装害罚愤核莅姑缝太俯咖更新哒!点击左上角的“卸载程序”,这样就可以打开卸载界面卸载程序软件啦。
要卸载这些所有内置应用,就要用到Windows PowerShell,它是win10系统自带的一个应用,要打开它,就单击开始菜单中的“所有应用”,然后找到Windows Power Shell的文件夹,右键单击Windows PowerShell(注意不是Windows PowerShell ISE),然后单击以管理员身份运行,就打开了。
打开了Windows PowerShell,输入命令。 要卸载OneNote,在里面输入 Get-AppxPackage *OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage 可以复制,回车执行。
要卸载3D,输入 Get-AppxPackage *3d* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载Camera(相机),输入 Get-AppxPackage *camera* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载邮件和日历,输入 Get-AppxPackage *communi* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载新闻订阅,输入 Get-AppxPackage *bing* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载Groove音乐、电影与电视: Get-AppxPackage *zune* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载人脉,输入 Get-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载手机伴侣(Phone Companion),输入 Get-AppxPackage *phone* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载照片,输入 Get-AppxPackage *photo* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载纸牌游戏,输入 Get-AppxPackage *solit* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载录音机,输入 Get-AppxPackage *soundrec* | Remove-AppxPackage 要卸载Xbox,输入 Get-AppxPackage *xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage 15 在卸载Xbox的时候,会提示有很多错误,其实已经被卸载。 卸载Windows 10的命令: OneNote: Get-AppxPackage *OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage 3D: Get-AppxPackage *3d* | Remove-AppxPackage Camera相机: Get-AppxPackage *camera* | Remove-AppxPackage 邮件和日历: Get-AppxPackage *communi* | Remove-AppxPackage 新闻订阅: Get-AppxPackage *bing* | Remove-AppxPackage Groove音乐、电影与电视: Get-AppxPackage *zune* | Remove-AppxPackage 人脉: Get-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage 手机伴侣(Phone Companion): Get-AppxPackage *phone* | Remove-AppxPackage 照片: Get-AppxPackage *photo* | Remove-AppxPackage 纸牌游戏: Get-AppxPackage *solit* | Remove-AppxPackage 录音机: Get-AppxPackage *soundrec* | Remove-AppxPackage Xbox: Get-AppxPackage *xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage 卸载Xbox后出现的提示:(正常现象,出现此现象说明Xbox已被成功卸载) 英文提示: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-AppxPackage *xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage Remove-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFA, Removal failed. Please contact your software vendor. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073CFA) error 0x80070032: AppX Deployment Remove operation on package Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy from: C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI_cw5n1h2txyewy failed. This app is part of Windows and cannot be uninstalled on a per-user basis. An administrator can attempt to remove the app from the computer using Turn Windows Features on or off. However, it may not be possible to uninstall the app. NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] 1d60accb-cb8d-0003-d5b8-601d8dcbd001 in the Event Log or use the command line Get-AppxLog -ActivityID 1d60accb-cb8d-0003-d5b8-601d8dcbd001 At line:1 char:26 + Get-AppxPackage *xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Microsoft.XboxG。
l_cw5n1h2txyewy:String) [Remove-AppxPackage], IOException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands. Remove-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFA, Removal failed. Please contact your software vendor. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073CFA) error 0x80070032: AppX Deployment Remove operation on package Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy from: C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_cw5n1h2txyewy failed. This app is part of Windows and cannot be uninstalled on a per-user basis. An administrator can attempt to remove the app from the computer using Turn Windows Features on or off. However, it may not be possible to uninstall the app. NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] 1d60accb-cb8d-0001-d9b9-601d8dcbd001 in the Event Log or use the command line Get-AppxLog -ActivityID 1d60accb-cb8d-0001-d9b9-601d8dcbd001 At line:1 char:26 + Get-AppxPackage *xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Microsoft.XboxI。l_cw5n1h2txyewy:String) [Remove-。
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